
Winner, Geffen Award,
Israel, 2009
Winner, WIZO Award,
Holland, 2012
Winner, ADEI-WIZO award,
Italy 2014
It is several decades into the future. The world is dry. It is effectively ruled by the water corporations from China, Japan and the Ukraine, who own most of the world’s fresh water sources, and control its flow and distribution.
Maya is in search of her missing husband Ido, a maverick water engineer who invented Ji-Ji, a revolutionary system that enables people to collect and purify rain water for their own use.
As she slowly unravels the fate of her husband, Maya goes on a journey that takes her from Caesarea, the last remaining Israeli city, to the village of Harod – where she leads the locals to prepare for the expected rainfall.
Hydromania is a story of survival and empowerment in a future that is not-too-distant and in a reality that is easily imaginable.
“Despite the severe physical thirst it may occasionally arouse in readers, there is something very refreshing about this book.” Haaretz, Israel
“Hydromania is an exciting eco-thriller, thematically topical, and satisfyingly complex in its handling of the issues.”, Germany
“One of the most refreshing, thought-provoking and readable novels published recently.” Ynet, Israel
“You will read this novel in one breath, because the author captures and unfolds the two fundamental obsessions of the country: the fear of being crushed by the immense Arab world and the fear of dying of thirst. But the European or American reader, in the shadow of its comforting water reserves, will be caught too by this reading. Partly for the gripping and compelling storyline, partly because the technology that dominates the story is both unimaginable and familiar at the same time. And perhaps most importantly, because the spectrum of dryness is scary even to us. Hydromania brings us closer to that future.” La Stampa, Italy
“A great and successful experiment: a passionate thriller and a political science fiction novel, that confirms Assaf Gavron as one of the most original and talented Israeli writers.” La Repubblica, Italy